Foundations Course:

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
On-demand Video course

If you’ve wanted to learn to meditate and you didn’t know how to start, or you fell out of practice and you want to begin again, this is the course for you.

Each session includes 1-2 guided meditations, a short teaching, written reflections and resources covering:

  • listening, sensation & breath as anchors for meditation

  • 4 postures: sitting, standing, walking and lying down

  • loving kindness and wise effort

  • motivation and intention

  • generosity, ethics and interbeing

  • posture and props

While based in the Buddhist teachings found in the Satipatthana Sutta (the Establishments of Mindfulness), Foundations of Mindfulness Meditation welcomes people of all or no religious inclination and includes adaptations for Buddhist and non-Buddhist practitioners.

then follow this link to access all 5 sessions of the course

There is no fee for this course. Donations help me to keep offering content like this.


Establishments of Mindfulness