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Guest Teacher for the SF Dharma Collective

I’ve been invited to share some online Dharma with the Monday night sangha at the SF Dharma Collective. All are welcome! Bring your friends!

Upcoming Themes:

October 2: Queering the Third Precept

What does it mean to practice the 3rd precept of abstaining from "sexual misconduct" and what can a queer perspective tell us about all the precepts, or Mindfulness Trainings? Melina will reflect on this training through 20 years of lay and monastic practice, inviting us all to look beyond the form of the trainings to get to the spirit of non-harm, the heart of Buddhist ethics.

October 9: Dharma, Decolonization and Deep Listening

So much of the Dharma, especially mainstream mindfulness, has been appropriated by corporate interests and a colonial mindset. But the Dharma is about freedom from everything, even social systems. Explore how decolonial teachings can help to awaken the dharma for our times, and how the Dharma invites us into decoloniality.

October 16: Interbeing and Dependent Origination - Not One and Not Two 

Dependent Origination is central to all Buddhist schools but the teaching can appear too daunting to approach. And some equate DO with Interbeing, but this is not quite accurate. We'll look at the similarities and differences between the two teachings in order to deepen a radical honesty in our practice of understanding suffering to grow freedom. 

Zoom Link: (password: 108108)

or 301-715-8592 to join by phone. Meeting ID: 545 039 806

Optional registration here:

Open to all. Donations are welcome, not required.

June 11

Day of Mindfulness, Day of Delight

October 21

The Sound of the Sacred: Chanting Workshop